Friday, February 18, 2011

Someday you wont remember pooping on me. Someday you may even get embarrassed when I tell you about it. You wont recall the joy that filled you as I lifted you into the air again and again, your face telling the story of contentment and bliss. You may know that I love you, but you wont remember me telling you every night as I kissed you before we went to bed.
I think I will remember. It may be hard to recall how you felt in my arms when you were so tiny. I may forget the sound you would make when you were happy and excited to see me. My love will, however, not be forgotten.
It is so wonderful to have you in my life. Even on the worst days you make all else seem trivial. It is not that the issues disappear; but that when I think about you they are put in their proper perspective. The temporary versus the eternal, the meaningless versus one of the few things in my life I will ever do that is of any significance.
I took a new job and typically that means I start thinking about my next job, or what I could do if this job didn’t work out. Its always in the back of my mind, planning for what is next, preparing for what could happen if things don’t work out.  Sometimes it can be very distracting. I was recently at a meeting where a speaker said that the single greatest factor to happiness was gratitude. That stuck with me, be grateful for what you have, don’t feel entitled to what you don’t.
I stop myself all the time to think about how grateful I am to have you. I am so grateful for all the little memories that you give me, all the things that make me smile throughout my day when I think of you. Because of you I am compelled to be more successful than ever, make more money, provide a great life with all the comforts I can offer. However, I know that is not what will make your life great, what will enrich it is the love you and I share, my quality as your father and as your friend and family. This world is a giant distraction, and then God gave me you, my tiny little reminder to pay attention to what matters the most. I love you sweet girl. Goodnight.