Monday, December 10, 2018

Deacon Turns 5

Well Deacon you just turned 5, figured I would write you so you could remember a bit about what life was like around this time in your life. First of all, you requested a dinosaur themed party, and we delivered. Mom and I dressed like Jurassic Park Rangers, rented a Dino bounce house, and decorated the house with a lot of Dinosaur themed decorations. Pretty much all your little buddies showed up- Micha Butler, Aneas Quijano, Jude, Weston Tomich, Marco Bazilus, Winston, Hank Zuk, Lucas Bevens, and Wyatt Stevens. You were so excited to hang out with your friends and have a boys only party- up to this point we usually combined parties for you and Cora. You got a lot of gifts as usual, favorites being a raptor mask that scared Quinn- that one came from Grandpa Ken and Grandma Patty. You also liked the Lego sets that were pretty much all dinosaur themed as well.
I don’t really remember anything from when I was 5, and I don’t think there are memories written down about it either. This will be your last year before school starts and so it is kind of bitter sweet. Right now, you love movies with monsters and dinosaurs, you don’t seem to scare too easily, you like fighting and wrestling with your friends, and you will ask 500 questions about whatever it may be on your mind. You are so handsome and sweet, you share with your sisters and play so nicely with them most of the time. You and Cora will get into it from time to time, but I can tell the desire of your heart is to just love on them and have fun. One quick memory, you hurt your hip the other day and you said “my tummy ankle is hurting” that was a good one! You have also figured out riding your bike and are nearly free of training wheels- you most likely already would be if we pushed it a little harder.
Five years goes by so quickly, I look at you now and wonder how much I will remember of it when you are a man someday. I guess I just want to remember my sweet brave boy, who saw the wonder of the world untethered by the realities that come with age. I am so happy that you have gotten to live this life of adventure, full of people who love you and surround your life with blessings. I still think about how God reached out and protected you in your mothers womb, and how terribly I would have missed you if you had not made it. I kiss you goodnight after prayers every night, if Quinn is still awake she kisses her DD (as she calls you) goodnight also. I think of how blessed I am to have you in my life and as my son. I love you forever and always.