Saturday, April 12, 2014


Your father traveled across the world this week, while you traveled across the country with your mother and brother back home to Phoenix. I am currently in Singapore, a small, prosperous city in Southeast Asia. I would say it reminds me of a tropical New York City.
Last night I ventured out from the Hilton and had a great dinner at a Tapas bar owned by a friendly and free pouring Austrian gentlemen. He had recently acquired some wines from his home country and luckily for me I was sitting next to some of his good friends and was engaged in about 7 rounds of tastings. I struck up a conversation with the strangers at the bar, a gentleman from the UK and his girlfriend who was from Singapore.  They invited me to a bar called Harrys- great live music, a very interesting scene to say the least and some conversation when you could manage over the volume coming from the speakers.
As I said the scene inside of Harrys was very interesting, many older white males, and many young Asian women (I was told many were from Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia). In a word they were working girls, working what they call the oldest profession, selling one’s body for sex.  Located across the street from the bar was a shopping mall of sorts. It is called the “four floors of whores” by locals. Of course my guides told me about it and said I must see it while I was here. I was happy to have their company as I would not have attempted it on my own.
That night I didn’t think much of the scene around me, I was mostly focused on having a good time, taking in the spectacle and relaxing after a stressful week of work. We went to two of the floors, and inside one of the bars, actually a country bar believe it or not. I never thought I would hear Toby Keith over the speakers in Singapore, I guess I can’t escape him no matter how far away I go!
I woke up far too early today and promptly went downstairs to rehydrate and get some breakfast, came back to the room and started considering the experience of the night before. In passing it seemed somewhat harmless, somewhat tempting, forbidden, exciting, all in good fun. However, the more I dwell on it the more it bothers me. Not only does it bother me that there is a part of me that was tempted by this, but that prostitution has always and will most likely always exist. Poor and desperate women doing what they can to survive, and males of low enough quality to pay/force upon/ or engage in the activity with them.
I shudder at the mere thought of you being one of those women. However, you are them. Not that your “profession” is shared with theirs, but that your spirit, your femininity, your vulnerability and strength. I didn’t look at them like I look at you; my initial instinct was not to protect them as I would you. I am sorry to say but I was a spectator, I smiled and moved along as though they were there for my entertainment. I still disappoint myself more often than I would like.
As with these women you are vulnerable. One of your key vulnerabilities is your desire to be loved by a man, and the trust you will place in them. There is nothing wrong with your desire for love, acceptance, and value from men, it is God given. The weakness is inverse to the weakness of men. Our weakness (one among many) lies in the sometimes narrow focus on only physical pleasure, regardless of cost to those we engage in it with. Women desire this love and acceptance, and men too often exploit it to fulfill their own desires. We say the right words, make you feel the way you want to feel, so that you will reciprocate with the physical affection that we had in mind all along.
As I said, there is nothing wrong in your desire, or that of a man’s. The difficulty is that the physical affection is exchanged before a true emotional connection is established, before the man has made any real commitment or bond of himself to the woman. When that occurs the man walks away physically satisfied, and the woman is left with a broken heart and feeling of absolute rejection and worthlessness. It is only when you are in a committed relationship, and so to say “he put a ring on it” that the exchange should take place. Imagine signing over the title to your car to someone because they spoke nicely to you, took you to dinner and promised that eventually they would pay you for it. When they drive away never to return you are left only with your regrets. In one scenario it is your wallet that is empty, in the other, your soul.
                As I said, women are strong, in many regards stronger than a man could ever be. The women I saw were not weak, though some may see them as such. They may take abuse and torment, but they are strong enough to endure and survive. Many of them have little choice in the matter, but they are strong enough to endure what I see as unendurable, and most likely they endure it for the betterment of someone they love. Women may lack the physical strength of men, but they have strength of character, love, patience, fortitude, wisdom, and faith. It is by the weakness of men that women are often made stronger, it is by our failures to live up to our charge that women often suffer.
                You are mine as much as I am yours. That means to the peril of my life, liberty and prosperity I will sacrifice for the betterment of your life. My bond and commitment to my family is unique in depth and significance, but as a man I am called to live my life to the betterment of all around me. To protect the innocent, provide for the poor, and show love to my neighbors as Christ did. If all men adhered to this calling those women would not be on those street corners, and a great many other evils would not exist. But we are fallen, I struggle, men struggle, no matter our title or place in this world we fall short of our God given calling.
                I would have you know what a man is, so that you give your heart to one that is worthy of that gift. Trouble is that I will be your measure of what a man is, and I still feel that there is much improvement to be made. I do not want you to endure what your mother did while I was learning what it meant to be a husband. Some pain in life is good, it is a cruel but effective teacher, but that does not mean I want to think about you enduring pain.
                You are three years old, each week you say at least 10 new things that make me smile. Last week while we were on a “magical adventure” to pick dandelions you were holding them in your hand, running around yelling “do your job wind!”. You were wearing a green dress and cowboy boots in a large grass field and I hope I never forget how beautiful you looked. Even at three you make me proud every day, you are sweet, kind to others, so very smart, and you love and trust me completely. I will endeavor to see all women in the same light I see you and your mother, and to value them as such. I will continue to strive to be a man worthy of your mother’s love, so that when your heart is ready, you will know how to see past the disingenuous boys of this world and recognize the man who will dedicate the rest of his life to protecting, caring for, and enriching yours.
                I can’t wait to get home and see you- I have two more countries and 12 more days.