Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Our growing family

Your brother is almost here. Really he should be here any day now, and with him a new stage of life for you, sisterhood. I wish I knew more of what that will be like for you, your mom has a brother, Uncle Buddy, but I never had a sister. It will be an adjustment considering you are the sole focus of our love and attention at home, and now that attention will be divided. I think you will do well though, you seem very interested in having a baby brother to look after.
                Mom is huge from the side, but if you were walking right behind her you wouldn’t know there was a baby in there! She was the same way when you were in there. From behind, oh look at that skinny lady, then a turn to the side and BAM! Wow look at that baby. We talk about baby brother so often you currently think you too are carrying a small child in your belly. You will lift up your shirt and say “look my baby is moving” or “oh he’s kicking”. When I wrestle with you, you will stop and tell me “hey don’t hurt baby brother, he’s in my tummy”, something you say due to the fact we make you be gentle with moms tummy.
                We are so excited to have our family grow; you are such a blessing and can’t wait to have another little life running around the house melting our hearts. Watching you learn and change every week is captivating to me, it seems so strange that once you were not a part of my life, but now you are a central part of it.
                You are just so silly and sweet, you will be embarrassed about this someday but every time we change your clothes and you are naked you start singing “wiggle your hine” and then shaking you little booty from side to side. You love to make silly voices, tickle, bite the crap out of my arm and tell me I taste good, and run around the house “faster than a cobra snake, speeding bullet, fastest girl in the west”, and you love running from scary monsters- usually me.
                There is almost nothing that comes out of my mouth that will not eventually be repeated by you. When I tell you I am hurt you take care of me, telling me to be brave, that you are with me, that its ok and won’t hurt for long- all things I tell you. You make up silly songs like I do, and sometimes try to whistle like I do. In every small and large way you remind me that you are learning from me, and I am shaping the woman you will become.
                Baby brother may be almost here, any moment really as I type this, but there will always be something special and personal between just you and me. You will always be my sweet girl, even if someday you are a tattoo artist, drummer in a metal band, weightlifting, cage fighting adult. What you are now you will always be, and what you become I will always love, because you are mine, I am yours, and we are bound by something that can never be broken.