Sunday, May 2, 2010

            I will never forget the first time I saw you. Your mother and I were very anxious, she more than I. We found our that you were a part of our life on a vacation to Jamaica, it was a Wednesday morning, it was a beautiful day. You were almost not real then, just a few digital letters on a stick that said “pregnant”.
           The morning of our first doctors appointment we anxiously awaited the ultrasound. As the doctor searched for you we held our breath with anticipation. Suddenly there was life, right before my eyes. I could see your heart, your tiny beautiful heartbeat, I knew when I saw that beating heart you were alive, you were real, and you would forever be loved.
           My child, I feel you inside of me. I feel your heart. I long to protect you, to nurture you, to love you and to guide you through this life as long as I am with you. You must forgive me this though, I lack wisdom, and sometimes strength. God has been kind to me, he has given me grace, and so I hope that you too will grant me that gift. Your heart will grow with you, it will keep pace with you, beating out a rhythm like a song. The song is yours to write, yours to measure and shape. When I think of you I hear your music, I hear it and my heart feels you inside of me.
           God has blessed me; first with your mother, now with you. God, grant me the wisdom to guide, the patience to learn, the strength to nurture, and the heart to love. I will be your father forever, and you will be my joy. My beautiful wife holds you now, she will bless you beyond what I can imagine, she will always be your mother.

I will never forget the first time I saw you.

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