Thursday, March 28, 2013

moving to GA

Well we have made the great migration to the East. Heading the opposite direction of the settlers just feels wrong to me, but I guess the “west” doesn’t really exist anymore as they knew it. We are settling into the new home in Newnan GA. So far you seem happy, particularly with the fact that this home has a staircase. It did break my heart when the first week we were here you kept telling me “I am going to have a party, all my friends are coming over to see me” when I knew that those friends were 1800 miles away in Phoenix. You have mentioned Anabella quite a few times, you and she are such cute friends, always holding hands, hugging and playing so well together. I really hope we can keep all those relationships as intact as possible until we move back home.

Our new home is beautiful, about 1000 square feet larger, your mother has a massive kitchen and the layout and design perfectly fits our taste. Here in Georgia pine trees are everywhere, lots of colorful birds and out away from the city like we are the air is clean and crisp. There are certainly worse places we could have ended up. I am looking forward to exploring the area and meeting new friends. You love the new church we have found, when we drop you off to bible study you wander right in with no complaints. I think at this point you are just happy to be out of the house and see some other kids.

I had to leave for the first time since we moved this week, I am actually typing this on the flight home from Mexico. Being there reminded me somewhat of being in Arizona, just a lot more brown skinned folks running around. The people I met there were great, I love the way they value relationships and seem to take a deep interest in others and have very strong families. The country itself is beautiful and full of rich history. I visited a church in Zacatecas that was built in the 1500’s with beautiful stone carvings and masonry. Currently, in the year 2013, the country struggles with battling very violent crime and rampant corruption in the government. The crime mostly stems from the drug trade- unfortunately partially Americas fault seeing as how we are the ones buying most of the drugs and therefore supplying most of the money. It’s just unfortunate seeing people live in fear of going out at night, police trucks filled with masked men armed to the teeth with machine guns patrolling the street; they are masked so the Cartels won’t kill their family if they find out their identity. I hope someday these troubles will be behind it, in my opinion the coming decades should see a new and better Mexico.

One month has gone by. Time seems to move every bit as quickly as it did back home. My stress in work has increased slightly, which is good because it means I am being challenged. Comfort in business isn’t necessarily a good thing. I am adapting to life in an office after being at home and on the road for the last 5 years. I normally get up at 5am, work out, get to the office around 7, and leave at 4:30 so I can come home and spend time with you and mom. I love coming home to my girls at the end of the day.

It is so strange to have deviated from everything that was once normal. I still don’t think it has entirely sank in. I cant explain entirely the feeling that nags at me. It keeps me aware that this is foreign, unknown, somewhat uncomfortable. This is a grand experiment in every sense. Not only being away from family and friends, but a new job for me, and a new role for your mother. Everything changed for each one of us, and I can only help but wonder what our reflections will be of this time years from now when we look back.

We ordered some new fancy leather couches for the new home. They have yet to arrive so we just put a small loveseat downstairs in the living room. Most nights the three of us end up sitting on the couch together, you cuddled up in between us. My favorite thing is when you snuggle up and burrow your head into my shoulder and say “I love my family”. When you say that I know we could be in a mud shack with no electricity or a mansion on a hill and the same things in our lives would still matter. For the first time we are more reliant on each other than anything else, which means we have a choice to grow closer, or grow colder. I am happy with the direction so far.

I love you always and forever sweet girl.

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