Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Family Vacation 2017

Well we successfully completed our first trip out of the country as a family, destination Cancun Mexico! Our family, and the Bishop family headed south with one of your mothers cousins- Caitlyn- who was our much appreciated babysitter during the trip.
The place we stayed was about 20 min south of Cancun, Hacienda Del Secreto. It was beautiful, big white sandy beaches, water that was a light shade of blue green, and was the perfect temperature to swim in. The house was three stories, whitewashed against the sun and salty air, with our own pool and hot tub. Deacon you and Jaxson bunked together in a big boy bed, which we lined with pillows in case either of you rolled out. Cora you slept with Caitlyn, and she eventually set up a pillow between the two of you so she could rest without being kicked all night as you flailed around in your sleep! Quinn you were with Mom and me on the 3rd floor in your crib.
Cora you played in the ocean non-stop, at least until the sun and saltwater got the best of you. It was a dramatic change from the last time we went in 2014, you hated the waves, and were not too keen on the saltiness either. Deacon you only came around on the final two days of the trip, before that you spent most of your time on the beach playing with Jaxson and building things out of the sand. Quinn, we found plenty of sand that you had eaten in your daily changing time…. But you were a trooper through and through.
Mom and I went ziplining one day, I was tempted to take you with us Cora but am glad I did not, the first line scared me, so I don’t think you would have enjoyed it. Outside of that we mostly stayed at the beach with all of you, swimming, reading, relaxing and just taking it easy. One highlight was that we got to see four sea turtles come on shore and lay their eggs. It was about our third night and we had just finished talking with Sean and Jen, mom decided we should take a stroll down the beach and sure enough- out in the surf we spotted a large dark object moving up on the shore. Mom sprinted back to get Sean and Jen and we all watched as this turtle, which must have been 250-350lbs drug itself up on the shore.
It was amazing to see something in real life that we had only ever before seen on television. This vast ocean and somehow these turtles navigate their way back to where they were hatched. Cora I came and got you out of bed and carried you down to the beach. We watched one of the turtles for about 10 minutes and then you told me “ok daddy I think I’ll go back to bed now”, hard to get as excited when you are 6 and sleep deprived!
One thought I had was that I was doing something with my kids that my parents had never done with me, nor mom’s with her. I didn’t get a passport until I was 23 years old, and now all my children have one. I went out of the country once when I was a teenager to Mexico on a cruise, but I imagine by that time you three will have visited a few countries with us. I was trying to compare what your childhood would be like compared to mine, and how it would shape you.  Cora you were getting used to the finer things in life, you loved eating at the restaurant each night because it was so “fancy”, you will understand someday but for parents there is nothing more enjoyable then knowing your kids are really loving something that you are doing for or with them.
It is so fun for me as a father to help pick out family vacations and what we will do. I don’t quite feel old yet but the experience sure makes me feel that way. Picking out a location, making a budget, building an itinerary and doing all the travel planning, hoping that the whole thing will go smoothly and that everyone will enjoy it. Really my favorite part is watching each of you experience things in your own way, watch different realizations happen and figure out what things resonate with you. Cora you loved the quality time and adventuring in the ocean, playing lots of games with mom and I- and of course the dinners. Deacon you had a great time with Jaxson and on the airplane each direction, but are not quite old enough to really enjoy the difference from the daily routine just yet.

I am looking forward to our next family vacation, wherever it takes us, and for many more to come after that. Some will be relaxing, some adventuresome, some near and some far away. My goal is to see you enjoy life, and for us all to build memories that never leave us.  

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