Monday, September 11, 2023

UK Summer Trip 2023


Summer vacation 2023 was the trip we meant to take back in 2021 before the worlds fear of covid shut it down, what a waste all that fear ended up being, thankfully we did not let it rob of our precious time. The UK finally opened its borders, and so we embarked upon a two-week trip of exploration.

We began in the massive city of London, checking into an AirBNB that was neither clean nor quite how it was pictured online…. A few hours of frustration later they had it mostly cleaned up, though one of the showers was less than useful and made a God-awful noise when the water was turned on it ended up being an ok base for our exploration. We stayed in Camden Town, which seemed to be about 15min from all the major stops we were making on the tube and bus lines. Navigating those with you guys was kind of fun, and very foreign to our western US culture of almost never utilizing mass transit. Quinn, you seemed to try and assert your independence whenever the crowds were the most crushing by pulling your hand away, which we immediately grabbed back and held on to all the tighter!

The main sights we explored were Westminster Abby, The Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Parliament, Westminster and a few other odds and ends. The weather was perfect for us, your health however, was not quite. Deacon you were hacking up a lung at times, and sprang about 3 nosebleeds a day for the first few days. Cora your lungs got progressively worse as well. We had two really good days seeing the sights in London but then you guys started really struggling, more on that later. Deacon as always you loved the arms and armaments, Cora you seemed to enjoy the architecture, food, and along with your sister the crown jewels in the Tower. The old moat area around the tower was really beautiful as they had it planted with all these wonderful wildflowers, we got some great pictures out there in the sunshine. We also all went up to The Shard- 88 floors above the city, and we had a perfectly clear day to take in the view. After we strolled along the river and while mom and I had coffee Deacon and Quinn chased each other around a small park and played some games they made up. When we went up to the Tower Bridge there is a glass walkway- I guess its probably about 20 stories or so up above the water, so when you walk out on the glass you are just seemingly walking on air. Deacon you were the first to venture out, so I guess you take the prize for being the bravest, followed very shortly by your sisters. When we went down to the bottom they pulled up the bridge while a navy ship passed underneath, it was a really cool moment as the crew was on deck and waiving goodbye. Quinn and Deacon you couldn’t see so I put one of you in each of my arms and held you up so you could get a better view.

Our first foray from the city was an all-day bus tour of Warwick Castle, the Cotswolds including Stratford upon Avon, as well as Oxford. This was also the first day that you guys felt really lousy, Cora and Deacon anyway. You two slept on the bus between stops, and when we did stop you basically sat in one spot while Mom, Quinn and I explored a little bit. Deacon you briefly lit up at Warwick when we got you a cool helmet and bow and arrow, but you were just feeling really lousy, we also got you guys some ice cream there but it didn’t do much to revive you. The stop in Oxford was fun, I had been there for work but coming back to experience it with you was great. We strolled around for a bit with the tour guide, Quinn you kept at the head of the pack the whole time, even without us, always being brave and bold like you are. After the walking tour I stayed put with you three as you were all tuckered out and Mom went off to explore some more. The only downside to seeing so much in a day is you only kind of scratch the surface of each place you visit.

We tried sleeping in the next day as Cora and Deacon were still not feeling well, and then took our first rail trip to Bath. I got us on the wrong train the first time, but luckily we ended up going in the right direction and quickly switched to the correct one a few stops down the line! I had paid extra for the first-class tickets, which I think was worth it, you guys all got a kick out of the seat size, food options, and Cora you mostly sat by yourself near as we could find seats, being the oldest and most capable, hope you didn’t feel left out but such is life traveling as a family of five. Bath itself was a beautiful city, used as a spa retreat since the Romans came to England’s shores, from there the city kept growing. Unfortunately you guys were struggling pretty hard again, so we really just strolled around a little, took in one of the more scenic spots where the river runs through the city, and then headed home to London. In a fun turn of events Quinn threw up that night, and I ended up sleeping on this little fold out couch with a nice hard metal bar running down the center so she could sleep with Mom.

Our boat tour of the Dover cliffs was canceled due to high winds, so we decided to take a recovery day in London. Deacon you slept for about 13 hours. We just lazed around and tried to give your bodies some rest so we could get the trip back on track, so it ended up working out, though someday I hope we get to see Dover together.

The next day Cora and Deacon were feeling much better, Quinn still not so great, but we left London and headed via train to York. The rail journey was beautiful, traveling through the countryside. Cora I think you snuck about 3 sodas, Deacon you sampled some of the food the English are known for, such treats as Cheese and Pickle sandwiches and Coronation Chicken…. Interesting to say the least. Quinn you did ok but mostly napped. I got the idea to find Quinn a wheelchair in York so she wouldn’t get exhausted and prolong her illness (which mom and I were also starting to feel). Quinn when I showed up at the hotel with the wheelchair you kind of felt like Royalty, and Cora of course gave you grief for being spoiled. The wheelchair turned out to be a hit cause we did quite a bit of walking and it got us to the front of a very long line for the Viking museum. I didn’t request special treatment but they came and found us in line and we didn’t pass up the offer! That night in York we did a ghost tour which you guys all really enjoyed- just true old stories from such an old city. We had fun exploring “the shambles” an old area of the city with fascinating architecture and history.

From York we headed north once again to Edinburg Scotland. We arrived on a beautiful sunny day and were delighted to find a much better rental waiting for us at the end of the Royal Mile. You guys wanted to relax and Deacon you found Jaws on the tv so Mom and I took a quick walk to the top of a nearby hill and got a beautiful view over the city, complete with someone playing the bagpipes below us. The next morning I had a wheelchair delivered and off we went to explore. We did another walking tour but the highlights for you guys were the fantastic National Museum of Scotland and the Royal Castle. Quinn’s wheelchair got her a ride to the top of the castle through the same tunnel that the Queen used to use, we also were pointed out to some wheelchair accessible bathrooms that we had to ourselves. The view was incredible, a bit chilly as Scotland is, but we got some fun photos of you all by the cannons overlooking the city. One super fun story is that Quinn still wasn’t feeling 100% so at a pub we stopped by for lunch she started feeling ill, and needed to throw up, and the only thing we had handy was a water bottle that I held while she puked a few times, thankfully quietly…. Ah the joys of illness while traveling. Luckily that was about the end of the sicknesses impact on the family.

Then came a day I was almost equal parts excited and nervous about- the day I would drive in the UK for the first time, and the day we would handle birds of prey! We rented a smaller SUV- I think the exact same volvo we rented in Spain, and headed about an hours drive north to a small town where we found the falconry school. It was set in a beautiful location near a stream with farm fields and small wooded areas spread throughout. We started by handling 3 little White Faced Scops Owls, they fritted about and would sometimes land 3 at a time on our arms. They had beautiful orange eyes and you all had so much fun handling and observing them as we took a pleasant little walk through wildflowers and woods. Next up we moved to something native to home, the Harris Hawk. Our bird was 23 years old, but smart and agile, swooping down from nearby treetops to land gracefully on our arms for her reward. Our guide told us unlike dogs or some other domesticated animals the handler serves the birds, not the other way around, the birds have high expectations of their handlers, and trust can easily be broken. We then took a quick break for sodas for you guys and coffee for mom and I at a nearby café, then returned for the final two birds we would handle. Next up was a Red-Tailed Kite. We didn’t so much handle as watch an aerobatic display she put on, zooming close to the ground, darting up high, and making sudden and steep turns effortlessly. Our grand finale was a beautiful south American Black Chested Buzzard Eagle. She soared high on the thermals and then when we raised our glove came swooping down, almost to ground level and then at the last moment would fly up and land, wings outstretched on our gloved hands ever so gently.  It was a highlight watching you all handle the birds, and experience the same joy at the beauty of their flight and feathered artwork of bodies.

Our next journey was to the Isle of Sky, about a 4 hour drive north. By this time I was nearly an old hand and driving on the wrong side of the road, thankfully I only had to drive in the big city of Edinburg once! Our rental on the Isle of Sky was spectacular. We had a wonderful view of the sea, and it was a great layout for our family. The night we arrived we were tired from the long but beautiful drive there, including a stop at Stirling Castle. We sat down at the most expensive meal we would have on the trip- after sitting outside in the cold wind while mom and I had gin and tonic. The meal wasn’t great but watching deacon eat the Langoustines- kind of like small lobsters was a lot of fun, for a kid who is picky about food he took joy in using the plyers and getting every bit of meat he could from them!

Driving around Sky was wonderful, often little one way roads that had many pull offs where you could let traffic pass. All around there was spectacular scenery and areas open for exploration. We did a hike to the Fairy Pools, following a stream that originated in the dramatic mountains above, sloping down emerald curves to feed its crystal clear waters. You guys all complained at first, as is common, but once we hit the trail and began to explore you perked up and began to have fun and enjoy it. Also- snacks always helped, knowing I had a backpack full of goodies to be distributed at various rest stops always aided your legs in carrying onward. I enjoyed all the hikes, sitting and taking in the beautiful vistas, often Deacon and Quinn would play some made up game, Cora you more often also sat and enjoyed the views, pondering things you mostly kept to yourself. We continued to explore and one morning also took a boat ride to Lake Coruisk. Along the way we saw many seals, and after departing the boat had another spectacular place almost to ourselves. The day had started off cold but quickly warmed up, you three and mom “lizarding” as Cora phrased it, on some dark volcanic rocks, while I took the other approach and removed all my clothing for a swim, or at least tried to. I ended up getting about halfway in before I realized the deeper it got the colder it got and perhaps it wasn’t the best idea. Cora you came down and asked me what I was doing, when you found out I was naked (cause I told you, you couldn’t see anything due to me being halfway underwater) you quickly said “gross” and headed back for your rocks!

After three nights in Sky we reluctantly left and headed north to the village of Ballater in Cairngorms National Park. The first day we explored the Royal families summer home, which was of course quite lovely. I enjoyed the woods around it quite a bit, with a picturesque river flowing nearby. We also did a really nice hike that had a bunch of great overlooks through the woods, different than Sky but equally beautiful to me. You guys once again loved the snacks, we found some Nutella “biscuts” as the Brits would say that were a particular highlight. Speaking of sweets we also found our favorite ice cream place during the entire trip in our village in Ballater. Quinn your highlight of the trip was a horseback ride we did on our last day. The four of you rode Norwegian Fjord horses, while I got the worlds tallest horse, thankfully for me he was quite well behaved and responsive, as I was determined not to let him sense my unease that I always get on horseback. We had a great ride through some countryside, and one stream crossing where mom and Quinns horses decided to cool themselves by splashing water with their front legs directly up and behind them! Mom got particularly soaked.

The drive back to Edinburg for our flight home was uneventful, the last night in Scotland was tons of fun as the five of us shared a too small hotel room that I booked. Deacon you and I managed to sleep in a twin size bed, somehow Cora finagled a twin all to herself while Mom and Quinn managed on a full-size sofa bed.

I had so much fun exploring with you all. I love our family trips, there is difficulty, sharing tight spaces and some bickering, but there are also many sweet moments and memories that I will cherish when someday you are all much older and starting families of your own. 

Cora, this year so far has been a lot of volleyball and you getting a lot older all of a sudden! You love Taylor Swift, calling yourself a Swiftie. I embrace that but exhort you to also find some other artists to spread the love some. You are very careful with your money, well over $1,000 saved, you say its for a phone, but we are not sure when you are getting one of those just yet. You get funnier and funnier- in a very clever sort of way, and you are very clever with some of the stuff you come up with and comments you make. It always cracks me up and I see a lot of myself and personality in you. I also enjoy slowing down and having more in depth discussions with you, often about conflicts you are having with us or your siblings. When we slow down we are able to connect logically as well as emotionally, and we are both better able to hear one another. Sometimes I think you feel left out, or that we are harder on you, or favor Quinn, but when I get to spend time talking with you I think I do a good job of healing those hurts and explaining that we love you all equally and in some ways uniquely as you are all uniquely created by God with special gifts, talents, and personalities that flow from it. You make me proud all the time with your responsibility and good choices, and your ability to have fun and make wonderful friends. Watching you grow is fills me with pride, but there are pangs of sadness as well as the little girl I knew fades further and further away. Sometimes Facebook shows me old photos or a memory of you singing frozen songs in dress up dresses pops into my head and I hurt a little cause it seems so long ago. The joy of who you are becoming doesn’t mean I am fully ready to let go of who you were, and I wonder sometimes which memories will endure, for me, and for you.


Quinn, Perhaps it is the same in all families that the youngest of the group is usually the light and laughter. You have a bright personality, capable of great joy and great grief in quite momentous swings. I worry sometimes already about the teenage years as you will be different from your sister. Cora seems to bend more on the logic side of response, where as you seem to bend very strongly towards the emotional. Neither is better or worse, just different and each needs to be understood for its shortcomings so one cand find the healthy balance in life. I love how completely you love, how generous you are with you affection, how you defend us all and so often compliment and praise. We all refer to you as the family cheerleader. You give me the biggest and best hugs, and usually when you are very upset I can still cheer you up with a song. Sometimes you will be angry or sad about something and pouting in your bed, ill come to lay next to you and you’ll ignore me or say go away, but when I start to sing you’ll relax and slowly roll over and throw your arms around my neck and give me a big hug. I think your heart needs to know a bit more often than some, how loved you are, and I always have to work on being patient and gentle with you. A few times I have not been, but when I ask you for forgiveness you always are so quick to give it, though I still feel regret and shame with how upset I get at times. My nature is to be hard on myself, I am getting much better about not having that same approach with each of you. I loved our time in Scotland together, exploring with you and seeing the bold independent bravery you tackle the world with.

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